Conjoint Analysis


Conjoint is a choice analysis tool.  Its primary use is to understand the importance of various features of a product or service, and to help companies find the optimal configuration of those features to offer in the marketplace. Once completed, conjoint studies provide you with the ability to simulate various market scenarios and estimate how potential product configurations will fare against current (or anticipated) competitor offerings.

Leede has the latest conjoint tools including Adaptive, Adaptive Choice Based and MaxDiff.  Our staff can ensure you have the right design and analysis for your project needs. Contact us to begin the discussion of how we can help your business.

Contact Leede today to learn how we can help you with your specific needs.


About Conjoint Analysis with Leede


Our analysis will help you determine the importance of product and service features.


Our analysis will help you configure your product to gain market share.


Leede has the latest conjoint tools including Adaptive, Adaptive Choice Based and MaxDiff.


Leede can tailor the analysis to fit your specific industry.